World Series of Beer Pong 3 - Vegas Round 5







Today it was time to leave Las Vegas, but our flight didn't leave until like 9:00 pm, so we still had the whole day to chill before going to the airport. I still had 3 cans of Milwaukee's Best Ice, but there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to finish them today. I didn't want to admit defeat so early in the day, so I took them with me.

Kanz came along with me to the top of the observation deck at the Stratosphere. He really didn't want to go (he's not a fan of cramped high places, like the St. Louis Arch) but he came along anyway. He was partied out, and sat on the couch while I looked around.












I really wanted to stop by the Mandalay Bay to check it out, but I just didn't have enough time. I consider the Mandalay Bay to be one of the top 5 hotel/casinos in Las Vegas, but I still have yet to check it out with my own eyes. Oh well, there's always next time...






I took a picture of the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris since I took a picture of the Stratosphere when I was up there. It was pretty far away, but I was just able to zoom in just enough for this grainy picture. Though it sucks as far as pictures go, it serves its purpose.











We made like good little tourists and got our picture taken by the Las Vegas sign. I really couldn't care less about this photo opportunity, but Kanz insisted upon it. Since this big guy means the world to me, I was happy to stop and look goofy for a second. It turned out to be a pretty good picture, and I'm glad we did it.













From the outdoor deck, you get some of the most breathtaking views of the city of Las Vegas. It's just a shame that you are so far away from everything, and even though you are like waaaaaay up there, everything still looks like it is really far away. It's a cool perspective, but since you are so far away, it kind of gets old after a while. I took a boatload of pictures, but I tried to limit which ones I put on this site because they really are all the same picture. I did my best to spare you, but I still would like to apologize ahead of time just in case. Sorry.










Up until now, I don't know if you got a good look at my experimental mohawk, but here's a good picture from the outside platform at the top of the Stratosphere to see it. I rocked it for that week only, but after further review, I'll probably never ever do it again.