World Series of Beer Pong 3 - Vegas Round 5 |
Today it was time to leave Las Vegas, but our flight didn't leave until like 9:00 pm, so we still had the whole day to chill before going to the airport. I still had 3 cans of Milwaukee's Best Ice, but there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to finish them today. I didn't want to admit defeat so early in the day, so I took them with me. |
Kanz came along with me to the top of the observation deck at the Stratosphere. He really didn't want to go (he's not a fan of cramped high places, like the St. Louis Arch) but he came along anyway. He was partied out, and sat on the couch while I looked around. |
I really wanted to stop by the Mandalay Bay to check it out, but I just didn't have enough time. I consider the Mandalay Bay to be one of the top 5 hotel/casinos in Las Vegas, but I still have yet to check it out with my own eyes. Oh well, there's always next time... |
I took a picture of the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris since I took a picture of the Stratosphere when I was up there. It was pretty far away, but I was just able to zoom in just enough for this grainy picture. Though it sucks as far as pictures go, it serves its purpose. |
We made like good little tourists and got our picture taken by the Las Vegas sign. I really couldn't care less about this photo opportunity, but Kanz insisted upon it. Since this big guy means the world to me, I was happy to stop and look goofy for a second. It turned out to be a pretty good picture, and I'm glad we did it. |
From the outdoor deck, you get some of the most breathtaking views of the city of Las Vegas. It's just a shame that you are so far away from everything, and even though you are like waaaaaay up there, everything still looks like it is really far away. It's a cool perspective, but since you are so far away, it kind of gets old after a while. I took a boatload of pictures, but I tried to limit which ones I put on this site because they really are all the same picture. I did my best to spare you, but I still would like to apologize ahead of time just in case. Sorry. |
Up until now, I don't know if you got a good look at my experimental mohawk, but here's a good picture from the outside platform at the top of the Stratosphere to see it. I rocked it for that week only, but after further review, I'll probably never ever do it again. |