3rd of July 2004


















It's hard to tell at first glance on how they were actually able to move this contraption, but by looking closer you can see two strong and able bodies in the form of James and Jeremy shouldering all of the pedaling. The rest of the kids, those freeloaders, just hung out and rode for free, as the name suggests.

The time limit was up, and it was time to return it. By then, it was raining and the day had gone from bad to worse. But we were able to make something good out of the bad, and Mom and I rode the cart off into the sunset...

This is what I'll be doing in 20 years - selling Choco Tacos to America's youth and their disposable income. Every kid in the land should have one of these, and in doing so we would change the landscape of the future for all time.

The kids were starting to get antsy because we were all soaking wet. It turned out to be no fun at all, and we all couldn't wait to go home, but we decided to stick it out for a little bit longer.

Although the weather put a damper on the festivities, Jeremy and Janika had something to smile about - spending quality time with each other and the people that they love - us. Awwwww.

It was then that Gary and Michelle (my Uncle and my cousin) showed up to lighten the mood. They were on the way to Summerfest, and stopped by for a few just to chat. How sweet.

