Godsplash 7.5 - Page 4





The only two people who would Godsplash with me at night were Kevin (left) and Beege (right), forever holding their places in history as (along with me) the last 3 Godsplashers in the 2002 season. That earns them a little asterisk in the Hall of Fame. It could've been you, but it wasn't, so deal with it.









The mud pit, fresh after a day of water and kids. This is what it looks like afterwards kids, so deal with it.

Much like the Cheese in The Farmer in the Dell, at the end of the day, the mud pit, board and mattress stood alone. Except that they had each other.






















Now the Godsplash, on the other hand, really does stand alone at the end of the night. If you look close enough, you can see a small tear rolling down it's smooth surface. That or one last droplet of water, but be it as you wish. But rest assured that the Godsplash will be ready to play again in the 2003 season. It will be waiting for you, but will you be there? Let's hope so...




Godsplash versions 7.0 + 7.5 started out with the Big 3, so it might as well end with them. Thanks to people like them and YOU, the 2002 Godsplash Season was a rousing success. Thanks to all who participated or just showed up to watch. Thanks also for the support to my website, I wouldn't do this if it wasn't for you. Take it easy. 

Make sure you visit The Godsplash Hall of Fame!!
