Afterglow 2009 - Day 3 Monday |
Now that my tomfoolery was over (at least for the time being) I went and hung out with the responsible members of the Kurutz / Reck family. Every now and then I need to act my age and engage in adult conversation. Then after 3 minutes, I get bored and go hang out with kids and get into trouble. That's the way it goes. |
It started raining, and everyone gathered up their plates and headed inside the lodge. Brian, Kevin and I still had our swimming suits on, and we figured that if we were gonna get wet, we might as well be in the water. So we swam out to the high dive and hung out on the top level. Somehow we started doing the clapping rhythm of the 70's hit "Carwash." Uncle Greg yelled out at us, and we assumed that he was just joining along with the song. But then we heard the distinct words shouted out "GET IN HERE!" which I know aren't part of the song. Apparently it had started to lightning, and it is extremely dangerous to be in water when there is lightning. Cause if it strikes near the water you die. But if that is the case, why don't fish and turtles get out of the water? Aren't they afraid of electrocution? Uncle Greg must somehow know that humans are more susceptible to electrocution, for he warned us before we could figure out who would die first - us or them. |
Jimmy Gibblin (the younger of the Jim Gibblins) had left his drink in the lounge, so we taxed it. I don't know if I've explained the drink tax before, but Jenny, Timmy and I came up with the drink tax one night when hanging out with James and Melissa. It's an easy game to play, and it only has one simple rule - keep track pf your drink at all times or else someone can tax it by taking a sip. If you set your drink on the table or turn away from it, you are neglecting it. Since drinks were meant to be drunk, someone has to drink it. Since Jimmy left his drink in the lounge unattended, we all taxed it. And I didn't feel bad about it at all. You have no one to blame but yourself if your drink gets taxed. |
We weren't in any trouble for our actions. The Red Book probably says something about not swimming when lightning is sighted, but I don't think it is illegal. But everyone did think that we were idiots. But what else is new. But we learned out lesson for being fools in the rain. Or at least "I hope so" (bobbles head for a few seconds). |
After the crazy downpour and killer lightning, the sky cleared up and the Dreamworks Logo made an appearance in the sky. Pete took this picture, and I stole it from him. I didn't see it with my own eyes cause I was probably passed out in the bushes somewhere. |
Brian usually plays well, but today his Mr. Rogers sweater must have been throwing off his concentration. I know that because that's what it did for me. I wish I could make fun of it a little more, but I can't because it is awesome. Now Brian needs to take me on a tour of a crayon factory or teach me a life lesson. |
Tim is usually one of the first cousins eliminated from the game. He's not much of a poker player, which is why he's a musician and not a gambler. I can only speak for myself, but I'll lump Kevin in on this one cause I can. We both are out early as well cause we play either too safe or make dumb moves during the game. |
Even though there's not much more I love than taxing drinks, I have to admit that Jimmy's drink tasted like pure gasoline. It smelled worse than the time the raccoon got in the copier. I could literally feel my brain cells dying with every tax. Tim had to wash the taste out of his mouth with a beer. We didn't want to tax it after smelling it, but the rules of tax stipulate that you have to tax the drink if it is unattended. One time Melissa taxed my gin and tonic, and even though she hates gin and tonic, she taxed it anyway. Some rules were meant to be broken, but this rule is not one of them. Eventually Jimmy came back and got his drink, and didn't even notice that some of it was missing. With that much cheap alcohol in his drink, there is a pretty good chance that he was already brain dead. No one should have consumed that drink. |
Because of the shitty weather, the campfire was canceled tonight. We usually use Monday to showcase the Uncle Greg Band, but tonight we hung out in the Lodge playing Cousin Poker. From this picture, I gather that James was the winner cause he holds the $$. |